Thursday Doors: Tranquility Base again

For the uninitiated, ‘Tranquility Base’ is the nom de plume, as it were, of the little hamlet where we live: eighteen houses (including five holiday homes) and three streetlights – count’em.

Amazingly, there are (were) still some portals that haven’t been posted on here: until now.

Q: When is a door not a door? A: When it used to be:

This is on Paulette’s barn, as is this:

All of which forms a piece with the main house:

Much of the hamlet used to belong to the local sabotier (clog-maker), hence the fact that there are more than one of these signs

At the bottom of the garden behind the house currently inhabited by my old mum is this mysterious, disused shed:

But by far the best of this crop is here, which for years has been hidden behind a sheet of corrugated iron:

Thursday Doors 16 January 2020

10 Comments on “Thursday Doors: Tranquility Base again

  1. Great doors! Does that bottom door still open? I’d love to know what’s behind there. Norm’s blog is so fun, – this week I did windows, but will have to get back to doors.

  2. So much character and texture in these. I like the last one because it seems to be an odd size. #12 with its mix of wood, iron, and glass is beautiful too.

  3. Love how they finished the white wall! Wow, that gate looks an American pink:):)

  4. So these are the last unknown doors where you live? Alas! They are beautiful indeed. How many doors does the village count in total? 🙂

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