Tuesday Photo Challenge: Light and Dark

Capturing the detail in his old window at the Abbey of Noirlac was quite a challenge, particularly with the strong sunlight shining through the leaded glass into an otherwise very dark room.

Tuesday Photo Challenge 18 September 2018

Tuesday Photo Challenge: Dark

As most happy snappers will know, the word ‘photography’ is derived from the two Greek words for ‘light’ and ‘drawing’, so Frank has set us a particularly interesting challenge this week, with his theme of ‘Dark’.

No photographic image can be completely dark, of course – otherwise it would just be a black rectangle on the page or screen. But it is the contrast and juxtaposition between light and dark that make for an interesting image, and if there’s one subject that offers infinite variety in the interplay between light and dark, then it must be fireworks.

This was taken on New Year’s Eve in Sydney a while ago. With a hand-held one second exposure it was never going to be pin-sharp, but the blur of the palm trees illuminated by the fireworks adds to the overall impact, I believe.

Tuesday Photo Challenge: Dark

Thursday Doors: Chartres (encore)

This week’s contribution was actually inspired by last week’s post from Geriatri’x’ Fotogallery, which showed a range of open doors. After all, who said the door had to be closed?

And who said you had to be looking in? This is one of the big doors  of Chartres Cathedral, looking out to some of the exterior stonework. Given the high contrast between light and dark, getting a worthwhile image certainly put Lightroom through its paces, but I think it was worth the effort.


Thursday Doors 28 April 2016